Mercedes Gearbox Issue?

Our Phoenix Motor Centre experts went all Greased Lightning once again; this time on a sleek Mercedes A class automatic gearbox. A customer from Rayleigh came in complaining of trouble changing gears on their automatic gearbox, so Phoenix Motors leapt to the task. The Mercedes A Class we had to work with belonged to a regular customer of ours and we weren’t quick to lose trust within our clientele. 

IMG_0676IMG_0678IMG_0680Automatic gearboxes receive mixed reviews among drivers; some are happy with the fuel efficiency of vehicles, but others are strictly pro-manual, stating they find the added control of the vehicle to be reassuring. Regardless of the claims, automatic gearboxes are becoming more and more popular with drivers and it certainly makes for a smooth drive. 

After investigating the underlying issue, we discovered the electrics within the gearbox had become faulty over time, so we had to fix them. Sound easy? Nope!

The part had to be completely removed first and checked over before being fixed! And this is no small component; just look at our pictures. The two on the left show the underside of the Mercedes with the part in and then removed. This image to the right shows the part itself.

Needless to say, soon enough the automatic gearbox had been fixed and the stunning Mercedes A Class motor was on the road again. All in a day's work!